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"Toni has a strong passion for healing and empowerment within communities of color through the means of active listening, training, and educating."

Toni McNeil is the Founder and Executive Director of CDI- Concrete Development Inc. She provides leadership development and training to individuals within marginalized communities who have been system and/or justice impacted surrounding Restorative Justice Issues such as: Gun Violence Reduction, Principled Policing, exposing/dismantling the Prison Industrial Complex, as well as Housing & Homelessness. She believes that it is our lived experiences that make us the experts in the healing and investment our communities need in order to rise above the oppression created through a historically racist white supremacist system. 

Toni has a strong passion for healing and empowerment within communities of color through the means of active listening, training, and educating. Her focus is the revealing of truths that lie within power structures through strategic and intentional power mapping, research, and systemic analysis. She enjoys motivational speaking, group facilitating, and training at events and is especially skilled in the areas of Facilitating, Organizing, Advocacy, and Leadership Development.

Toni McNeil is a mother of four, native of Stockton, and an ordained Elder. She has held a variety of ministry positions and developed programs such as “Train up a Child” and “Moving Forward” to help bridge the gap between church and community. She is the Founder and Host of Anti-Black Conversations, which is a virtual platform that is a Space where People of Color can challenge one another’s conditioned mindsets through emotionally intelligent, conscious dialogue to reveal the film of White Supremacy that clouds the lenses from which we see ourselves and others.

Toni has over 30 years of managerial/supervisory experience. She holds a degree in Psychology with an emphasis on Addictive Behavioral Patterns. She is certified as a substance use disorder group facilitator and trainer. She is currently working on a state certification as a Peer-Support-Specialist and a second degree in Substance Use Disorder Counseling. She has been a long-time Community Organizer, Visionary, Head Coach/Lead Organizer of the Concrete Team and has led restorative justice organizing efforts throughout the Central Valley, and for national and statewide networks for over 10 years. 
Toni also runs her own consulting LLC. She is a nationally sought-after Public Speaker, Coach, Mentor, Group Facilitator, and Leadership Development Trainer in Vision Casting, Conflict Resolution, and Bridging/Belonging across differences.

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